Thursday, December 8, 2011

Me being Me.

     Recently, I watched the Jonah Mowry video and it got me thinking.  This world has, for as long as I can remember, tried to define what we should eat, what we should wear, and how we should think to name a few.  "If you don't wear these shoes, you should be embarrassed."  Because...You know...those shoes make you a better person...WTF???
     Over the last few years I have gone over some serious transitions in my life.  These made me take a step back and take a good hard look at not only who I am but how I live my life.  What I discovered was I was doing it all wrong. I used to hide my true self from people.  Outside my closest friends, No one knew the real me.  I lived my life in fear that I would be labeled "different" and ridiculed for the things I enjoy.  In order to just "fit in" I would go so far as to say I had seen movies I had never seen.  Why?  because I felt ashamed to not fit in...Thanks Society.
     So, I made some life altering changes.  They were not easy.  Hell I still am working on them.  But in my transformations I have taken on a new mentality: "If you don't like me for me, then that sucks for you because Im pretty damn awesome". It comes off a bit harsh at first.  But think about it.  Why is it harsh?  I think its the "world" telling you that.  Thats bogus.  Its just me being proud of me!  Imagine that.  To be the true me, I do not need to wear the latest trend, I do not need the latest gadget (though I DO love me some gadgets), and I sure as hell do not need to be Rich.  I am who I am and I am DAMN proud of that person.I guess I finally realized I can never be the person that "they" think I should be and I am quit alright with that.  Hell, I am better than quite alright...I am elated.  And do you know what?  Those other people in my life are elated by it too.
     I may be young (relatively lol), but I have seen my fill of good times along with the bad.  I know that there are many way worse off than I have ever been, as well as those more privileged than I can dream of...but I have lived and learned a lot in the short time.  If I had to answer the question of the ages, "Why are we here?"  I would have to answer that with "To be yourself". We can never do more than that. Nor can we ever do less.
     So I say to Jonah and all those others out there like him, whether you are gay, straight, bi, black white, or Whatever...Be PROUD of who you are.  Do NOT let others shame you into something you are not.  Is it easy?  No.  Hell I'm a straight white male and I found it hard.  I can not imagine the difficulties a gay teen faces.  I am sad that he must.  But you all are strong.  I have seen the human spirit and it can wow and amaze at the drop of a hat. So take that bold step, take the power away from whoever "they" are in your life and say "This is who I am.  Accept it.  I will not change, because I am not just happy, but proud to be me."
     Be who you are.  Be happy with what you have.  It can always be worse.  Gay, straight, old, or young, do not concern yourselves with what others think of you.  They do not matter.  What really matters is what you think of yourself.  THAT is where true strength comes from and when you find that strength, you will gain many friends.  With those two things, there is nothing you can not do!