and the week after that my amazing son.
Damion was added to my immediate family later,but I remember when he came home too.
The fact that they will all be in school next year blows my mind. Not a day goes by that I do not question how I raise them. I question every aspect of my parenting, hoping that I am doing it in the best interest of them. To make them better than me, because isn't that what we all want as parents? To have our children succeed beyond our expectations? At least in my world...yes.
After this summer, all of my kids will be in School. That is a HUGE step. As babies, they are tough. But I can not even imagine the difficulty that will ensue when they all are pursuing their different passions (and Damn are they different) and needing to keep track of who's practice is tonight, the recital tomorrow and when the next science project is due. I will relish in it, but hate it at the same time. I think my time is tight now...wait until they get older. All so different, yet all so close. Each one driving the other to be better (even if it IS in a competitive way).
I can not wait for it. My children pushing themselves means I get pushed with them. As long as I keep doing what I am doing, I hope that they continue trying to impress me and my voice is always there, influencing their every decision. I hope I am doing it right and they grow more to love me than hate me. I hope that they can see, before they are in their twenties, that I have nothing but their best interests at heart and only want them to be a better human than I ever was.
So here is to my children. The most frustrating, amazing, complicated, and awe inspiring thing about me. Without whom I would be half the man I am today. So not only congratulations to you for your great achievements in your young lives, but thank you for pushing me to become a better human that I hope one day you learn from and surpass. I love you all with every fiber of my being and I can not WAIT to see what the future brings for each of you!
Josh, this post is beautiful...don't let go of it for your children when they grow up. It will mean the world to them to have an uncommon expression of blessing and love from a father who supports them with his life. I know many fathers who love their children, but rarely say it, and so elequently...GOOD JOB!