Almost two months ago, here in the Seattle area, the occupy movement began. This movement struck a chord with me, for it was all the things I saw wrong with this country, but never thought I would see changed. I had the belief that there was way to much "me" feelings in the world. It was what we were "programmed" to do for the lack of a better word. Feel like we all had to fend for "me" and not worry about our neighbors and friends. I am ultimately a part of the 80's "me generation". I was never one who was like that...but I had seen enough to believe that most were. Then came this movement. I was filled with excitement to see others, like me, rising up in unison, bitching, fighting, and complaining about the very things I saw wrong. In the very beginning I was unsure of HOW to get involved. Soon, somehow, I found myself involved with the livestream crew. Slowly, I got to know Mel and Lisa. This bond quickly grew and soon I felt they were my family. Then came meetings. Here I met some of the most amazing, courageous, and dedicated people I know. This livestream crew, Most of who knew nothing of each other before this, quickly became my family. People I would do anything for. These people put themselves in the most intense, frightening, and potentially dangerous spots to get the true and raw story out. All of these people believe in the movement. All of them know in their hearts we battle for the right and good. but we also know we are here to report the news as it happens no matter who looks like the fool. we will not shy away from news that may make the occupy movement here in Seattle look bad. Its bound to happen. But even without our high tech equipment, and our degrees in journalism, we are doing the things our fellow corporate media stations SHOULD be doing and that is reporting what is happening. No spin. No slant. No agenda. We are here to report History in the making.
On that note, I want to thank each and every one of my crew. You all have opened your hearts and minds to me. I am amazed at the love and camaraderie that has transpired over a few online meetings and chats and limited personal meetings. I love you all and truly feel blessed having you in my life. I never imagined that this wonderful movement would bring such amazing people in my life. Shows how Naive I was.
Once involved, I spent all the free time I could, wrapping my mind around as many aspects of it as I could handle. Sleep dwindled, but knowledge prospered. Unfortunately I could not spare all the time I would like to towards this life altering event. I have to work. Supplying a roof, food, and all those essentials for my family. in that immediate family I am lucky to be blessed with an amazing woman at my side through all of this. Athena has been at home, digging, blogging, searching for any and all manners of information. most of what I know, I know because of her. She is MY database. She supplies me with the majority of knowledge I have of the goings on around the world involving all of this. Without her, I would be half as prepared as I am. so darling...Thank you. I hope you know the impact you have on me...and this movement.
So we here in Seattle, along with most other cities nation wide, decided to have a march in solidarity with our brothers and sisters plight in NYC. Me and Athena hustled to Seattle as soon as we could (me having to work), speed walking through the streets of Seattle to catch the march. Thanks to constant contact with my Livestream crew, we finally met up with them. Already on the march there had been 2 pepper spray incidents. Jenny, part of our crew, had taken a straight shot to the face, while Ian had gotten some secondary spray. After meeting up with them we marched through Seattle, at times a little unorganized, but finally finding our senses, ended up at the corner of 5th and Pike.
A group of around 75 or so decided to sit in the street. Trying to avoid arrest/trouble I stayed on the outskirts. Taking photos from on top of the planters that live on many of the corners in downtown Seattle. Not that I do not find this movement worthy of getting arrest for, I just can not risk losing my job for my family sake. Roughly 30 minutes or so later, the police issue warning number one. Basically "get out of the street or risk retaliation or arrest." Not long after, warning number 2 is issued. At this point, the people sitting in the streets decide that our point has been made and move to the sidewalks as asked.
Bike Cops line the corner where I am standing. Still snapping pictures, suddenly there is a shower from 5-7 cops of pepper spray without warning driving people back a few feet. This causes something in me to snap. After the spray subsides, I begin shouting towards the cops. I am outraged at what I have seen taken place by the very people who have been sworn to protect us and our constitutional rights. Shouting in a voice I rarely use, I begin..."We're on the fucking sidewalk!What the Fuck?!" My tirade lasts longer than I would have liked. With this "advantage"of the crowd backing up after the spraying, the bike cops move their barricade line up. Not once but twice shouting "MOVE BACK". All the protesters are on the side walk, they have been since before the first pepper spray.
One protester stands his ground at the edge of the sidewalk. Upon the second surge of "Move Back" and advancing the bike barricade, the protester standing there on the edge is hit with a bicycle. After stumbling a bit back, he moves forward to regain his stance on the very edge of the sidewalk. Another protester joins his brothers side. For one reason or another I will never know, the cops behind the front line deem this man worthy or arrest and drag him over the bike barricade. It was here that one of the cops saw something that either frightened or concerned him and he unleashed his pepper spray. For some reason this was cause for 5-6 other officers to unleash theirs.
Now, whether it was the shouting that I was doing, my camera taking their pictures, or the combo, Ill never know. But this is when I was greeted with a full shot of pepper spray to the face. Here I am, a photographer documenting the events. Angered at the cps actions less than a minute before, being pepper sprayed. Was there a reason? None that I can logically tell other than my pictures will tell the truth and I was yelling at them. To steal the words of a Reverend that was pepper sprayed earlier that day, it was a baptism by pepper spray.
So I would like to thank the SPD for bringing me further into this movement and proving to me what I am doing is right. As I sat there blind for 20 minutes, I was shown the greatest compassion and given the greatest love anyone could receive. People I will never know who they are, thanked me, gave me their love, and cared for me. I could not pick these people out of a line up to save my life. I was blind (not a fun thing for a photographer!). But the love and compassion I felt from my fellow occupiers can not be rivaled.
So as a review, (yes I know I rambled a bit...but its my blog cherry!) First and foremost to my kids. I love you more than you could ever know and I thank you for giving me the drive and passion to do this. This is all for you. My life has been and always will be dedicated to making this place a better place for you to live. Thank you to my wonderfully amazing Livestream team I am a part of. I appreciate how quickly you accepted me and how you made me feel part of you without hesitation. If you need me. To my beautiful girlfriend, Thank you for everything. Your support, knowledge, wisdom, keeping me in check, the small things I forget to thank you for, but most of all your love. I feel honored and blessed to have you there not just with me...but beside me every step of the way. You rock and I would be half the person I am today without you. Lets make history together! and lastly to the SPD. Thank you for baptizing me. Without you I would ahve thought I was fully in this movement. Now, thanks to you, I am more driven to make this happen than ever before. Sadly for you, your actions had the exact opposite reaction you were hoping for. I know you wanted to scare me, intimidate me. The exact opposite has occurred. I am now more resolved, more dedicated tha I was before. So for that I can not do anything but thank you. Every stupid decision you make, not only helps me be stronger, but helps the movement grow larger. Soon you will see who the real people in charge are.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Love and peace,
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